Inclusive Education, Accessibility, Students with disabilities, Higher educationAbstract
Since the beginning of this century, accessibility has become a guideline in Brazilian legislation. This right extends to higher education in the search for a guarantee of the inclusion of students with disabilities. Considering this context, this research aims to analyze the experience of a university student with a disability based on her narratives about (in)accessibility in the University Pedagogy Course. Data collection was carried out through semi-structured interviews with the support of a recorder and field diary. The results indicate that access to higher education starts well before the entrance exam, as it involves adequate training of students with disabilities in primary and secondary education. Already, during university education, the empowerment of students with disabilities, in facing barriers in everyday life, is a characteristic that has contributed to permanence in higher education, when associated with the attitudinal accessibility of teachers and students. There is also emphasis, in the results, on the architectural and informational inaccessibility that appears as an obstacle in university education. Often, the only solution for these students is the search for accessibility solutions, on an individual basis, as a way to minimize the effects of the absence of effective institutional actions in favor of guaranteeing the rights of students with disabilities at the university.
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