Twice exceptionality

definition and evidences of brazilian scientific production


  • Josilene Domingues Santos PEREIRA Universidade Federal de São Carlos e Instituto Federal da Bahia
  • Rosemeire de Araújo RANGNI Universidade Federal de São Carlos



Special Education, Twice exceptionality., High Abilities/Giftedness, Scientific production



aims of this study were to identify the definitions of the term twice exceptionality in international literature and to characterize Brazilian scientific production from 2000 to 2020. Based on bibliographic research, the results showed that: i) Brazilian scientific production is scarce; ii) there are implications of the translation of the term twice exceptionality to the research in Brazil; iii) there are terminological fluctuations, in addition to theoretical weaknesses and iv) there is an absence of the term twice exceptionality and its definition in productions in which it is the object of study. It is possible to conclude that the investigations on this theme are still emerging in Brazil and that it is necessary to elaborate a compatible definition with international studies.

Author Biographies

  • Josilene Domingues Santos PEREIRA, Universidade Federal de São Carlos e Instituto Federal da Bahia

    Doutora em Educação Especial. Docente do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia da Bahia (IFBA), campus Vitória da Conquista, Bahia

  • Rosemeire de Araújo RANGNI, Universidade Federal de São Carlos

    Doutora em Educação Especial. Docente da Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar), campus São Carlos, São Paulo.


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Dossiê Altas habilidades ou superdotação: diferentes perspectivas (inter)nacionais para a identificação, a avaliação e o enriquecimento