Copyright and Licensing Policy

The Aurora Journal considers that authors hold the copyright to their production, but authors must agree to transfer the exclusive right of first publication to Aurora journal. The work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY). This license allows third parties to remix, adapt and build upon the published work, giving due credit for authorship and initial publication in this journal. Authors are authorized to enter into additional contracts separately, for non-exclusive distribution of the version of the work published in this journal (for example: publishing in an institutional repository, on a personal website, publishing a translation or as a book chapter), with recognition of authorship and publication initial in this periodical. 

You have the right to:

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Adapt — remix, transform, and create from the material;

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The Aurora journal has published all its content with an open license since 2007, guaranteeing unrestricted, immediate and free access.

When submitting an article to Aurora journal, authors must fill out a form that will be attached as a supplementary document, indicating agreement with the Publication License, the Open Access License and the Declaration of Responsibility for the published content.

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