Epidemic and Education

student participation in in-process learning assessments at the state school of Campinas


  • Zuleica Cristina Mizael Vicente Unicamp
  • André Ramalho dos Santos




Process learning assessment, social vulnerability, pandemic


Currently, all schools in the state of São Paulo undergo external assessments, such as SARESP and AAPS. These assessments aim to provide an overview of the teaching-learning process and offer managers and teachers a database on students that allows them to develop more assertive techniques to achieve improved results. The objective of this work is to list possible reasons for the low participation in the 1st and 2nd assessments of learning in process (AAPs) of mathematics. The research was carried out with students from a state elementary school I and II (PEB I, PEB II), located in the city of Campinas\SP, made available by the Platform of the Center for Public Policies and Assessment of Education (CAED Platform). Three mathematics AAPs of the current year (1st, 2nd and 3rd bimesters of 2021) of elementary school students were analyzed, totaling 170 students. A questionnaire containing eight objective questions and a dissertation was also applied in order to understand the sociocultural scenario in which the students are inserted, as well as their real ability to monitor and carry out activities during the remote and hybrid teaching period. 113 students answered the questionnaire.

Author Biography

  • André Ramalho dos Santos

    Mestre em física pela Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP - Rio Claro - SP) professor da Rede Estadual de São Paulo, com formação em física e matemática.



How to Cite

Epidemic and Education: student participation in in-process learning assessments at the state school of Campinas. (2022). Revista Fim Do Mundo, 3(7), 174-187. https://doi.org/10.36311/2675-3871.2022.v3n7.p174-187

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