Cultural geography of a corona bug


  • José Ángel Leyva



pandemic, fear, culture


In addition to revealing the skeleton of societies, their structure more or less conducive to facing an enemy that produces a truly global social catastrophe, are the rooting of vital human activities in the soil of the history of each nation and how this catastrophe catches every human life, as well as the historical particularity of each country. Thus, universal fear and the way the pandemic impacts art and culture will reflect these reproductive lines.

Author Biography

  • José Ángel Leyva

    He was born in Durango, Mexico, on January 11, 1958. Poet, storyteller, editor, and journalist. He graduated in Human Medicine from the School of Medicine of the Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango and studied the Master's Degree in Ibero-American Letters at the FFyL of the UNAM. He has been director of editorial projects for Juan Pablos Editor; editor and reporter, and later director of the magazine Información Científica y Tecnológica; director and editor-in-chief of the magazine Nuestro Ambiente; editorial director of the magazine Mundo (cultures and people); Editorial director of Memoria; director of Fundación Rosenblueth magazine, and co-director of Alforja, a poetry magazine. Olga Arias 1990 National Poetry Award for Entresueños. Prize of the XXIX National Journalism Contest 1999 in the area of cultural journalism awarded by the Club of Journalists. Second place in the national poetry contest organized by the Universidad Veracruzana, 1994.



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