The activities of the peace corps in big cities of China: an exception to american diplomatic philosophy?



Peace Corps, “U.S.-China Friendship Volunteers”, Acculturation, Pragmatism


The Peace Corps program was once considered an unconventional approach to American diplomacy centered on pragmatic philosophy. The iniciative of Peace Corps in China was perceived as an extraordinary endeavor, yet it has been effectively operating in China for nearly thirty years. The volunteers involved in the program have been instrumental in promoting people-to-people exchanges between the United States and China, drawing from their experiences in cultural immersion. The creation of the “U.S.-China Friendship Volunteers” path was intended to improve bilateral relations between the two nations. Despite opposition from the U.S. Congress, the Peace Corps has not surpassed the foreign policy of the Untied States. However, when the Peace Corps program goes against the policy between the United States and China , it has to end its development in China. This contradicts the claimed political neutrality of the Peace Corps. Throughout the “U.S.-China Friendship Volunteers” program, most volunteers have worked in universities in large cities. Consequently, the cultural adaptation environment for Peace Corps volunteers in China is unique. They are presented with more challenging cultural differences, with relatively lower acculturation stress in their material life. The Peace Corps enables most volunteers to bolster cultural exchanges between China and the United States through active cultural learning support. The development of the Peace Corps project in China reveals no fundamental distinction between its activities in China and other countries. Hence, the “U.S.-China Friendship Volunteers” program of the Peace Corps is not an exception to the pragmatic diplomatic philosophy of the United States.

Author Biographies

  • Long Ye, Shaoguan University

    Ph. D. School of Foreign Studies, Shaoguan University, Shaoguan, 512005 - China. ORCID:

  • Zhihua Liao, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

    Ph. D. School of Foreign Languages and International Business, Guangdong Songshan Polytechnic, Shaoguan, 512126 - China. ORCID:


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Received: 28/04/2023 - Approved: 28/06/2023 - Published: 13/11/2023



How to Cite

The activities of the peace corps in big cities of China: an exception to american diplomatic philosophy?. (2023). Trans/Form/Ação, 47(3), e0240030.