The meanings of critique in pre-critical Kant



Kant, Criticism, equivocality


One of the challenges of the Kantian research is to deal with the different meanings of the term critique, as well as to ask about the author’s possible motivation in choosing this term to title his main works. Through the emphasis on the fecundity of meaning of the term critique, we will show in this article that its connection with the establishment of limits to metaphysics was a sinuous process, which is capable of encompassing interests of heterogeneous natures. For this purpose, we will first problematize, in particular, the appearance of the concept of critique in NEV of 1765 and, later, based on the Reflections (1765-1770), we will identify how its equivocality, more than an obstacle, favored the construction of its protagonist role in the Kantian corpus. Thus, the critical thinking for Kant, instead of a position facing only the problem of metaphysics, is explained as a position facing the most diverse problems of the modern subject.

Author Biography

  • Paulo Borges de Santana Júnior, Unespar

    Professor do Colegiado de Filosofia da Universidade Estadual do Paraná (Unespar), União da Vitória, PR – Brasil. ORCID:


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Recebido: 09/03/2023 - Aprovado: 25/08/2023 – Publicado: 13/02/2024



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