Man and technology in Bernard Stiegler’s works


  • Adelaide Pacheco University of Évora



Hipomnemata, Language, Entropy, Pharmakon


Bernard Stiegler’s philosophy of technique shows the intrinsically tragical character of the technological evolution and claims the possibility to explore the ambivalent character of technological or pharmacological instruments. First we will follow his argumentation, highlighting the role that he assigns to the instrument in opening ecstatic temporality, and the importance of the evolution of the “ortothetical” technologies of registration, as a condition which is simultaneously destabilizing and enabling of a historical and hermeneutic conscience. In a second moment, we will show what Stiegler names the central Pharmakon of the Anthropocene, and the centrality of entropy and negentropy to find a way out of the ecological catastrophe. In a third moment, we will follow Stiegler’s critique of transhumanism and his proposal for negotiation and composition between humanistic tradition and technological development.

Author Biography

  • Adelaide Pacheco, University of Évora

    Pesquisadora no Phenomenology and Culture Group – Praxis: Centre of Philosophy, Politics and Culture/University of Évora, Évora – Portugal.


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KURZWEIL, R. The Age of Spiritual Machines. New York: Viking-Penguin, 1995.

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SCHROEDINGER, E. O que é a vida? O aspeto físico da célula viva. S. Paulo: Fundação da Editora UNESP, 1997.

STIEGLER, B. Nietzsche et la Biologie. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 2001.

STIEGLER, B. De la Misère Symbolique - 1. L’Époque Hyperindustrielle. Paris: Editions Galilée, 2004.

STIEGLER, B. Ars industrialis. Manifesto 2010a. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 28 out. 2020.

STIEGLER, B. Ce qui Fait que la Vie Vaut la Peine d’Être Vécue. De la Pharmacologie. Paris: Flammarion, 2010b.

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STIEGLER, B. La Technique et le Temps - 1. La Faute d’Épiméthée. Paris: Fayard, 2018a.

STIEGLER, B. La Technique et le Temps - 2. La Désorientation. Paris: Fayard, 2018b.

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Recebido: 08/01/2021 - Aceito: 25/2/2021


2021-05-17 — Updated on 2022-07-01

How to Cite

Man and technology in Bernard Stiegler’s works. (2022). Trans/Form/Ação, 44(Special issue 1), 163-184.