Language and denouncement of interiority in Nietzsche and in the Philosophical Investigations of Wittgenstein


  • Saulo Krieger Unicentro



Sign, Will to power, Interpretation, Use, Rules


The purpose of this article is bringing to light the convergence between two diverging modes of overcoming of the very paradigm of modern philosophy, namely, the interiority of the subject as an epistemological milestone, and thus to emphasize the rite of passage from a modern philosophizing to a contemporary one. This process will be addressed according to the strand known as “continental philosophy”, with Nietzsche, equated with a hermeneutics, and to the “analytical philosophy” or anglo-saxon philosophy, with Wittgenstein, equated with a philosophy of language. In both cases we will put into question the conditions underlying the thinking subject, transparent to himself and with access to his own grounds and contents (Nietzsche), and taken as an interiority able to dialogue with itself, in the manner of a private language (Wittgenstein).  In this way, this subject and this act of thinking, instead of being taken as a core, are unveiled as functions of their very conditions – condition of survey, for Nietzsche, conditions of practical experience, for Wittgenstein.


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Received: 07/01/2021 - Approved: 03/3/2021


2022-02-17 — Updated on 2022-06-22



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How to Cite

Language and denouncement of interiority in Nietzsche and in the Philosophical Investigations of Wittgenstein. (2022). Trans/Form/Ação, 45(01), 193-214.