Rules for publication

Submission Form

The submission of texts to the Revista Diálogos e Perspectivas em Educação Especial Journal (RDPEE) must be made exclusively through the Journal's website. The author(s) must organize the text according to the guidelines available in the guidelines for authors and submit the file in the electronic system of the Journal.

Submission for evaluation

Every article must be submitted in the Revista Diálogos e Perspectivas em Educação Especial Journal  (RDPEE) system, containing all information about the authors. It is mandatory to fill in all metadata. Upon submission, the authors are requested: full name; institutional link or last professional occupation; city, state and country of the institution; title (graduate, specialist, master/master, doctor/doctorate), address, telephone, cell phone, contact e-mail and ORCID record number. These data will appear in the publication, after evaluation of the text and, therefore, are the responsibility of those who submit the text to the evaluation process.


Guidelines for Evaluators

Experts must complete their opinion observing the following criteria:

  1. Social relevance and potential contributions of the article to the area of Education and Special Education;
  2. Dialogue with the knowledge produced on the subject;
  3. Theoretical and methodological consistency;
  4. Good structure, clarity, solid and reasoned argument.

At the end of the evaluation, you must choose one of the following options offered by the Journal's electronic management system:

  • To accept
  • Mandatory corrections
  • Resubmit for review
  • Submit to another Journal
  • Reject
  • View comments

The “Mandatory corrections” option should be used in situations where the manuscript has effective publication potential. In the case of texts that require significant modifications, their rejection is indicated. The option “Submit again for evaluation” must be used when the referee considers it necessary to refer to another specialist. The option “See comments” should only be used when the evaluator is in doubt about his decision. 


Conditions for submission

For the proposal to be accepted, the first step is to verify the submission's compliance with all the items listed below. Authors and/or co-authors must exclude their name or any reference to it from the entire body of the text to be submitted, replacing it with “Author”.

RDPEE accepts texts in Portuguese and other languages ​​for consideration.

Submission to RDPEE must be exclusive, that is, texts cannot be sent to other Journals simultaneously.

The works to be submitted must be unpublished. They must not have been previously published with a DOI (Document Object Identifier), ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) or ISBN (International Standard Book Number).

All manuscripts submitted to the Journal are examined using plagiarism detection programs (iThanticate). If plagiarism, self-plagiarism (text recycling) or redundant publication is identified, editors will take action following COPE Publications Ethics Committee guidelines and will consider suspending the review process or retracting a publication (as per the Errata Policy). and Withdrawal).

The inclusion of new authors after approval of the article is prohibited. Upon submission, all authors must be indicated.

To ensure a greater number of authors in the Journal, each author and/or co-author may publish only one article per year.

The work submitted to the Journal must have an author with a PhD and a maximum of three authors per work.

Authors must present, when submitting the article, a copy of the Consubstantiated Opinion approving the research by the Ethics Committee, when it involves data collected from human beings (the journal does not publish research reports without this document, whether from national or international author).

The ideas and opinions expressed in the published articles are the sole responsibility of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Journal. The RDPEE Copyright Policy must be respected.

Other forms of publication of the work may only occur, provided that formal authorization is requested from the Editorial Committee and the source is explicitly indicated. The authorization will be evaluated by the Editorial Committee, which may approve or reject the request.

Interest conflicts

Upon submission, you must be informed, if any, of a conflict of interest of a financial, commercial, political, academic and personal nature. If there are potential conflicts of interest related to the research or publication of the manuscript, the authors must inform, in a footnote, the relationships with funding bodies, as well as with commercial and political institutions. Authors must make it clear that the financial or material support received is clearly manifest in the submitted manuscript.