Nicaragua and the failure of color revolution attempts from 2018 to 2023


  • Lazaro Camilo Recompensa Joseph UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE SANTA MARIA
  • Miriam Gontijo de Moraes Universidade Federal do Estado de Rio de Janeiro - UNIRIO



Sandino, hybrid warfare, fake news, revolution


It is the duty of true progressives and peace-lovers to deny and dismantle the implementation of the “post-truth” against Nicaragua, that is, to deny the fake news that is propagated: a) it is a populist communist dictatorship, b) that is suppressing freedom of the press, c) that it is imprisoning opposition candidates who supposedly would win the elections and d) that it is chasing Sandinista dissidents who would oppose this within the party of Daniel Ortega's dictatorial personalism. The purpose of the article is to present a historical overview of Nicaragua since the US occupation, highlighting Sandino's role until the unfolding of the Sandinista revolution; a retrospective of the country's elections; main crises to date, and the impacts of the hybrid war on the current crisis facing the country. It concludes that what is at stake today in Nicaragua is the fate of the achievements of the Sandinista revolution.

Author Biographies

  • Lazaro Camilo Recompensa Joseph, UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE SANTA MARIA

    Graduated in Economics from the Central University of Villa Clara (1983) and a Ph.D. in Economics from the State University of Campinas (2001). He is currently a professor at the Center for Social and Human Sciences at the Department of Economic Sciences at the Federal University of Santa Maria. He has experience in the area of Economics, with an emphasis on Economic Theory, International Economics, and Economics of Innovation. Research on the topic of Arrangements and Local Innovative Productive Systems.

  • Miriam Gontijo de Moraes, Universidade Federal do Estado de Rio de Janeiro - UNIRIO

    Associate Professor, linked to the Department of Documentary Technical Processes at the Center for Human and Social Sciences of the Federal University of the Rio de Janeiro State - UNIRIO and the Graduate Program in Library Science, holds a Master's and Doctorate in Information Science (2005) and post-doctorate (2011-2012) with participation in the Ágora Digital Democracy Project developed together with the Graduate Program in Informatics at UNIRIO. She develops research work on the themes of Organization of Knowledge in Collaborative Models, Digital Democracy, Transparency and Public Administration, Heritage, and Digital Memory. She was the editor of the scientific journal IP- Informática Pública.



How to Cite

Nicaragua and the failure of color revolution attempts from 2018 to 2023. (2023). Revista Fim Do Mundo, 4(9), 100-138.