Guest Artists: Marcela Bonfim and Leandro Cunha

Curatorship - Claudinei Roberto


  • Marcela Bonfim (Re)knowing the Black Amazon
  • Leandro Cunha UFF
  • Claudinei Roberto da Silva



Racism, Ancestry, Afro-Brasil

Author Biographies

  • Marcela Bonfim, (Re)knowing the Black Amazon

    Economist, Photographer and cultural activist, creator of the project (Re)knowing the Black Amazon: peoples, customs and black influences in the forest.

  • Leandro Cunha, UFF

    Director of the Laboratory image-ritual composition, a traditional yard where research the relationship between image composition, memory, and African-indigenous ancestry.

  • Claudinei Roberto da Silva

    He studied Artistic Education at the School of Communications and Arts at USP. In 2011 he was a fellow of the “International Visitor Leadership Program” in the United States of America. He was the Coordinator of the Education Center at the Afro Brasil Museum and the project “A Journey trough African diaspore”. Curator of the exhibitions “PretAtitude: insurgency, emergence, and affirmation in contemporary Afro-Brazilian art” and the “13th Edition of the Brasil's Bienal Naïfs” at SESC, and the Sidney Amaral exhibition “O Banzo, o amor e a Cozinha” at Museu Afro Brasil. 



How to Cite

Guest Artists: Marcela Bonfim and Leandro Cunha: Curatorship - Claudinei Roberto. (2021). Revista Fim Do Mundo, 2(4), 10-14.