is there time for the time necessary before the end?

on the possibility of a revolutionary political process


  • Iael de Souza Universidade Federal do Piauí



organization, agitation, advertising


The SARS-COV-2 pandemic opened up social inequalities, class, sex, race, ethnicity, highlighted the self-destruction of the planet and all forms of life and made the capital system expose all its wickedness to the aggravation of social barbarism, treating human life with indifference and as being disposable. But what could have been the motto for the eruption of a revolutionary situation was lost due to the absence of a revolutionary leadership, project and political-social struggle (radical social policy), exposing the urgent need to resume basic work with the masses and subordinate so that moments of crisis can be used to raise the awareness of the masses and substantially transform political and social struggles. It is about this more than pressing need for this groundwork that this article addresses.

Author Biography

  • Iael de Souza, Universidade Federal do Piauí

    Professor in the Department of Education, UFPI - campus Picos. Areas of interest and activities: Sociocultural Anthropology; Education; Work and Society; Metamorphoses in the world of work; Capital, Labor, and Society; Sociology of Work; Political Theory; State and class struggle.



How to Cite

is there time for the time necessary before the end? on the possibility of a revolutionary political process. (2020). Revista Fim Do Mundo, 1(03), 65-87.