Goal 4 of the national education plan in the light of gramsci's theory Título e subtítulo em espanhol ou italiano





Gramsci, Inclusão. PNE, Meta 4. Formação humana integral.


This work aims to reflect on the National Education Plan (PNE) 2014, in particular “Goal 4”, on Antonio Gramsci's assumptions of a full-time school. Throughout the research, we observed some inconsistencies in “Goal 4”, because, if the proposal of universalization of education for the target public student of special education, approaches the principles of this theorist, in relation to the proposal of a school of integral formation and for all, contradictorily, the same document, configures itself as a space of disputes of hegemonic forces in which certain groups take ownership of the contradictions presented in the law, to offer a segregated teaching and to implement in the society ideas of the ruling class. We realize that although the writings of this author last more than a century, they are still current. It is also noted that the same document presents a progressive and contradictory character in relation to the AEE, configuring itself as a space of struggle for hegemony.

Author Biographies

  • Eliesér Toretta Zen, IFES

    Eliesér Toretta Zen - Degree in Philosophy from PUC-MG; Post-graduated in education and
    philosophy by UFES; Master and PhD in education from UFES. Professor of Philosophy
    at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Espírito Santo-Ifes.

  • Bendineli, IFES
    Lisandra Senra Avancini Bendineli, Graduated in Pedagogy by FICAB and in Mathematics by
    UNIUBE. Postgraduate in Educational Planning and School Management.
    Master in Education in Sciences and Mathematics by IFES.
    Teacher and School Supervisor of the Municipality of Colatina.
  • Luzinete de Souza Oliveira, IFES

    Licenciada em Letras/português pela UFES, e em Pedagogia pela UNIUBE. Pós-graduada em Educação Especial e Inclusiva e em Artes Educação. Mestra em Educação em Ciências, Matemática e Tecnologias pelo IFES. Professora estatutária na Prefeitura Municipal de Cariacica atuando na área de Educação Especial.





Dossiê Temático: Educação Especial sob a perspectiva gramsciana

How to Cite

Goal 4 of the national education plan in the light of gramsci’s theory Título e subtítulo em espanhol ou italiano. (2023). Revista Práxis E Hegemonia Popular, 8(12), 48-70. https://doi.org/10.36311/2526-1843.2023.v8n12.p48-70