The main aspects of asceticism and repentance in the work of “Pratum” by John Moschus


  • Atanasia Mariia Smetaniak Ukrainian Catholic University

Parole chiave:

Spiritual progress, Search for life, Monks, Monk, Gaining inner freedom


The theme of repentance is eternal for Christians. Almost all the Holy Fathers touched upon it with necessity and called to resort to this miraculous preparation given by the Church. It also runs like a red thread through the work of Pratum by John Moschus. The purpose of this study is to analyze the work of Pratum by John Moschus, which touches upon the theme of repentance and the main aspects of asceticism. The paper aims to identify the main characteristics of monastic life associated with ascetic practices of primitive monasticism described in the work. The study focuses on the addressees of the work, namely the monks for whom the work was written, and the topics about ascetic practices, the importance and necessity of repentance and the action of divine grace in human life. The study intends to ensure that these themes and practices are inherited by other generations and do not lose their relevance.

Biografia autore

Riferimenti bibliografici

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Received: 15/03/2023 - Approved: 17/04/2023 - Published: 10/10/2023



Come citare

The main aspects of asceticism and repentance in the work of “Pratum” by John Moschus. (2023). TRANS/FORM/AÇÃO:/Revista/De/Filosofia, 47(2), e0240010.