Thomas Kuhn’s Philosophy of Language


  • Paulo Pirozelli Universidade de São Paulo


Mots-clés :

Taxonomy, Meaning, Truth, Philosophy of Language, Thomas Kuhn


Thomas Kuhn is mostly known for his contributions to the Philosophy of Science. However, it was chiefly to investigations in Philosophy of Language that he dedicated the last part of his career. The aim of this paper is to present a systematic view of Kuhn’s main ideas on this subject. I start by describing his theory of concept, in particular what he says about terms for kinds. Learned through ostensible definitions, these terms are acquired in blocks that form contrasting sets or “taxonomies.” Next, I analyze Kuhn’s conceptions of “meaning” and “truth.” Finally, I discuss a second type of term for kinds, not fully investigated by him, which is learned together with scientific laws.

Biographie de l'auteur-e

  • Paulo Pirozelli, Universidade de São Paulo

    Doutorado em Filosofia pela Universidade de São Paulo.


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Recebido: 26/11/2019 - Aceito: 17/02/2020


2020-10-09 — Mis(e) à jour 2022-07-18



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Thomas Kuhn’s Philosophy of Language. (2022). TRANS/FORM/AÇÃO:/Revista/De/Filosofia, 43(Special Issue), 345-372.