Gassendi’s objections to Descartes’s meditations on first philosophy in their philosophical context




Gassendi, Objections, Descartes, Skepticisms, Early modern philosophy


The quarrel between Pierre Gassendi and René Descartes has been treated generally from the Cartesian perspective, but our work focuses on Gassendi’s philosophy instead. In this sense, we want to find a more comprehensive way to integrate the internal logic that articulated Gassendi’s objections. We will try to show the contemporary reception and the logic of his philosophical assumptions or the strategy that operates under these objections. Besides, we will explain the contemporary reception of this polemic and the main critical issues adopted by Gassendi about “method” and “substance”. To accomplish these tasks, we will study Gassendi's objections to the Meditations on first philosophy, as well as the Disquisitio metaphysica seu dubitationes et instantiae adversus Renati Cartesii metaphysicam et responsa, a work published by Gassendi in 1644.

Author Biography

  • Samuel Herrera-Balboa, Universidad de La Frontera

    Profesor del Área de Investigación Filosófica, Departamento de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de La Frontera Temuco - Chile.


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Recebido: 19/11/2019 - Aceito: 17/02/2020


2020-09-10 — Updated on 2022-07-15



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How to Cite

Gassendi’s objections to Descartes’s meditations on first philosophy in their philosophical context. (2022). Trans/Form/Ação, 43(3), 369-390.