Unpunished death, forbidden mourning

Naked life and precarious life in Giorgio Agamben and Judith Butler





Agamben, Butler, Naked life, Precarious Life, Vulnerability


Giorgio Agamben weaves the genealogy of "naked Life", on the path that goes from Homo sacer to Muselmann, from the first paradigm of Western politics to the manufacture of the undead in Auschwitz, as an unexpendable and unpunishable killing life. Judith Butler follows similar argument in developing the concept of "precarious life", with which problematizes the separation between universal vulnerability and forms of production of precariousness, the distinction between lives whose losses matter and the unworthy of weeping and Mourning. The purpose of this article is to approximate the conceptions of the two authors, under the assumption that in both it is the manufacture of killing lives, on which it weighs the prohibition of grief.


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BUTLER, Judith. Quadros de guerra: quando a vida é passível de luto? Tradução Sérgio Tadeu de Niemayer Lamarão e Arnaldo Marques da Cunha. Rio de Janeiro: Civilização Brasileira, 2016.

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Recebido: 10/08/2019 - Aceito: 24/02/2020


2020-09-10 — Updated on 2022-07-15



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How to Cite

Unpunished death, forbidden mourning: Naked life and precarious life in Giorgio Agamben and Judith Butler. (2022). Trans/Form/Ação, 43(3), 339-360. https://doi.org/10.1590/0101-3173.2020.v43n3.25.p339