On moral value and intellectual correction in Plato's Sophist.


  • José Wilson da Silva Universidade Estadual do Ceará




Plato; Sophist; Shame; Image; ugliness.


Plato, in the Sophist, argues that shame has the capacity to change someone’s opinion. Moreover, shame not only works a whatsoever change, but she is the renoucement of false opinions to lift them from the path to the knowledge. However, it is argued that intellectual error is corrected by teaching and not by moral value. We intend to explain how shame can have this function of a positive mental mutation and contribute, in this way, to acquisition of knowledge. The interaction between moral value and cognitive capacity is made possible by the concept of image and ugliness.


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Recebido: 01/7/2019 - Aceito: 17/5/2020


2021-04-22 — Updated on 2022-06-29



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How to Cite

On moral value and intellectual correction in Plato’s Sophist. (2022). Trans/Form/Ação, 44(1), 149-176. https://doi.org/10.1590/0101-3173.2021.v44n1.11.p149