Michel Houellebecq against Michel Foucault

contemporary representations of political islam in france





Political Philosophy, Decadent movement, French Orientalism, Michel Foucault, Michel Houellebecq


In Michel Foucault’s interviews and journalistic texts on the Iranian Revolution, written from late 1978 to mid-1979, and in Michel Houellebecq’s novel Submission (2015), both authors seem to present positive representations of political Islam. This paper aims to argue this interpretation relies on a double mistake: Foucault did not create the notion of political spirituality as an alternative to the crisis of Liberal and Marxist political systems, as his critics wrongly accused him, but as a concept capable of describing the aspirations of Iranian people witnessed in the travels he made to that country. Nevertheless, Houellebecq did retake, in Submission, this supposedly positive representation of political Islam by the main theorist of French Theory, in order to present ironically the Islamization as the solution to the economic and sexual crisis of contemporary French society and, thus, to denounce the heirs of that representation as collaborationists.

Author Biography

  • Daniel Padilha Pacheco da Costa, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia

    Professor do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos Literários e do Curso de Graduação em Tradução do Instituto de Letras e Linguística da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU).


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Recebido: 08/4/2019 - Aceito: 22/02/2020


2020-11-20 — Updated on 2022-07-17



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How to Cite

Michel Houellebecq against Michel Foucault: contemporary representations of political islam in france. (2022). Trans/Form/Ação, 43(4), 147-172. https://doi.org/10.1590/0101-3173.2020.v43n4.08.p147