A Question about Vanity:

Relationship Between Nietzsche and Mandeville





Moralidade, Vaidade, Nietzsche, Mandeville


The paper discusses points of some congruence between the criticism of morality in Nietzsche and Mandeville, focusing primarily on vanity. This research considers that Nietzsche and Mandeville, keeping the proper peculiarities of each one, were immoralists in their respective epochs. Through research in published works and in posthumous fragments, it is known that Nietzsche knew the thought of Mandeville. However, was not possible ascertain the extent of the German philosopher's readings on his predecessor. The searched book of Mandeville was The Fable of Bees: Private Vices, Public Benefits. Due to the extension of Nietzsche's work, the philosophical discussion about this philosopher focused the two volumes of Human, All Too Human, Daybreak and The Gay Science. Mandeville understood that the existence and not the repeal of vices was the driving force behind the enrichment of society. One of the traits of human nature is vanity. What underlies virtuous deeds is not humility, but pride and vanity. Moral virtue would be a way to gain individual benefits. According Nietzsche, vanity is what makes the view of the human being bearable, disguising passions and feelings that are morally shameful. Vanity fulfills the role of humanizing the individual to be more sociable and fulfills the demands of an established morality.

Author Biography

  • Ricardo de Oliveira Toledo, UFSJ

    Doutor em Filosofia, na linha Estética e Filosofia da Arte, pela UERJ, Brasil, com orientação da tese pela Profa. Dra. Rosa Maria Dias. Período sanduiche na Università del Salento, sob a tutoria do Prof. Dr. Marco Brusotti. Mestre em Estética e Filosofia da Arte pela UFOP, Brasil, com orientação da dissertação pelo Prof. Dr. Olímpio José Pimenta Neto. Especialista em Filosofia Contemporânea, pela UFSJ. Bacharel em Filosofia pela UFSJ. A maior parte da produção acadêmica é voltada para a filosofia contemporânea, cultura e arte, especialmente a partir de reflexões oriundas do pensamento de Nietzsche. Atualmente, dedica-se, também, a pesquisas em filosofia da ciência na UFSJ. Aprovado em concurso para professor adjundo efetivo em fevereiro de 2016 na UFSJ.


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Recebido: 30/7/2018 - Aceito: 08/8/2020


2021-04-22 — Updated on 2022-06-29



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How to Cite

A Question about Vanity: : Relationship Between Nietzsche and Mandeville. (2022). Trans/Form/Ação, 44(1), 357-380. https://doi.org/10.1590/0101-3173.2021.v44n1.27.p357