Body and symbol in Ersnt Cassirer

the organic function in the conformation of cultural world


  • Gustavo Esparza Escuela de Pedagogía, Universidad Panamericana - Campus Aguascalientes



Body, Symbol, Knowledge, Organic function, Cultural function, Uexküll, Cassirer


In this paper is studied the function of human body and its relation with the culture, in Ernst Cassirer’s “Philosophy of Symbolic Forms”. According to the neokantian, the relation soul-body conforms the basic relation to develop the Phenomenology of knowledge, nevertheless through the dialectic process is necessary to deny the material form to achieve the spiritual form of the culture, so the organic form, apparently, needs to be annulled in this dialectic progression. The aim is to analyze, and describe, how the form of the body appear in expressive mythical stage, but also in representative stage of language and significative stage of science, allowing the unity in the entire process of the construction of knowledge and the form of culture.

Author Biography

  • Gustavo Esparza, Escuela de Pedagogía, Universidad Panamericana - Campus Aguascalientes

    Doctor en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades. Profesor investigador de la Escuela de Pedagogía de la Universidad Panamericana, Aguascalientes. Miembro del Sismtema Nacional de Investigadores.


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Recebido: 23/5/2018 - Aceito: 23/10/2019


2020-10-09 — Updated on 2022-07-18

How to Cite

Body and symbol in Ersnt Cassirer: the organic function in the conformation of cultural world. (2022). Trans/Form/Ação, 43(Special Issue), 205-230.