The Pragmatic Anthropology As A Doctrine Of Prudence In The Versions Of The Courses Of Anthropology From Kant




Pragmatic anthropology, Doctrine of prudence, Moral applied, Impure Ethics, Baumgarten


This article aims to evidence that the idea of pragmatic anthropology developed in the versions of the courses of anthropology that are Collegentwürfe, Menschenkunde and Anthropologie Dohna-Wundlackende, occupies of a moral definition, because it is subordinated to the doctrine of prudence. This doctrine is understood as the capacity from the human beings to influence each other according to certain goals, the ones that should be useful in social life. Besides that, we will delimit that the meaning of the pragmatic adjective present in these versions of the courses of anthropology was withdrawn from the work Initia Philosophiae practicae prima from Baumgarten, because in the notes of Kant about this work the pragmatic motives will always determine private laws of the will, the ones who may, a priori, represent a moral interest and, a posteriori, the accomplishment of a desired end by its finite rational being. By this reason, we defend to have in the quoted Kantian works a synonymy between the notion of pragmatic anthropology and the doctrine of prudence.

Recebido: 14/3/2018
Aceito: 23/10/2019

Author Biography

  • Jorge Vanderlei Costa da Conceição, Universidade Estadual de Campinas

    Professor pesquisador em estágio de pós-doutoramento na Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), Campinas, SP – Brasil.


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PEREZ, D. A antropologia pragmática como parte da razão prática em sentido kantiano. Manuscrito – Revista Internacional de Filosofia, v. 32, n. 2, p. 357-397, 2009.

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Siglas das obras de Kant

Kant im Kontext III (Komplettausgabe 2013). © Karsten Worm - InfoSoftWare 2013.

KrV Kritik der reinen Vernunft (zu zitieren nach Originalpaginierung A/B)

GMS Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten (AA 04)

Anth Anthropologie in pragmatischer Hinsicht (AA 07)

Br Briefe (AA 10-13)

PG Physische Geographie (AA 09)

Refl Reflexion (AA 14-19)

Colleg Collegentwürfe aus den 80er Jahren.

V-Anth/Col. Vorlesungen Wintersemester 1772/1773 Collins (AA 25)

V-Anth/Fr. Vorlesungen Wintersemester 1775/1776 Friedländer (AA 25)

V-Anth/Men Vorlesungen Wintersemester 1781/1782 Menschenkunde, Petersburg (AA 25)

V-Mo/Collins Moralphilosophie Collins (AA 27)

Anth-Dohna Vorlesungen über Anthropologie: Anthropologie Dohna Wundlaken

Erl Erläuterungen Kants zu „Baumgartens Initia Philosphie practicae prima(AA 19)

Recebido: 14/3/2018 - Aceito: 23/10/2019


2020-06-30 — Updated on 2022-07-13



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How to Cite

The Pragmatic Anthropology As A Doctrine Of Prudence In The Versions Of The Courses Of Anthropology From Kant. (2022). Trans/Form/Ação, 43(2), 77-98.