Pluralism and absolutism in the critique

reflexive dialectics and democratic politics from horkheimer and adorno


  • Emiliano Matías Gambarotta CONICET - Instituto de Altos Estudios Sociales (IDAES)/UNSaM - UNLP



Normativity, Difference, Dialectics, Reflexivity, Autonomy


Currently, the critical theory is refuted for its pretensions to have a normative foundation. Because that generate it an impossibility to accept the pluralism, ground for the democratic order. Taking that as starting point, this paper seeks to sustain that in Horkheimer and Adorno work there are elements for the elaboration of a “post-normative” critical theory. This in close connection with – what Habermas calls – the “post-metaphysical” character of their thought, namely, their rejection to any try to found the knowledge’s building in an unconditioned instance. In base of that, this paper propose a dialectical approach of pluralism, through the relationship between difference and likeness. In this way, it is thematized that social configuration that would make possible being different without fear. At the same time, they are characterized two logics that contain the cancellation of that social configuration, of its dialectical acceptance of pluralism: the instauration of an absolute, on one hand, and the apathetic coldness, on the other hand. All of this with the main objective of interrogates the mode in which we produce critical knowledge, at the same time that it looks forward to make of it a instance that contributes to the democratization of the established society.

Author Biography

  • Emiliano Matías Gambarotta, CONICET - Instituto de Altos Estudios Sociales (IDAES)/UNSaM - UNLP

    Doutor em Ciências Sociais (UBA), Mestre em Sociologia da Cultura e Análise Cultural (IDAES-UNSaM) e Licenciado em Sociologia (UNLP). Na atualidade ministra aulas na área de Teoria Social na carreira de Sociologia da Universidad Nacional de La Plata e é Pesquisador do Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET). É autor dos livros "Hacia una teoría crítica reflexiva: Max Horkheimer, Theodor W. Adorno y Pierre Bourdieu" (Prometeo, Argentina, 2014) e "Bourdieu y lo político" (Prometeo, Argentina, 2016). Ademais co-editou o livro Estética, política, dialéctica: el debate contemporáneo (Prometeo, Argentina, 2015) e o livro Cuerpo, educación, política: tensiones epistémicas, históricas y prácticas (Biblos, Argentina, 2015). Também é autor de vários trabalhos sobre os fundamentos teóricos e epistêmicos de uma crítica cultural da política, na qual o lugar do corpo é um eixo chave de interpretação. Isto através de um trabalho sobre as propostas teóricas da "Escola do Frankfurt", a sociologia reflexiva de P. Bourdieu e a relação entre política, estética e democracia de J. Rancière.


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Recebido: 25/01/2018 - Aceito: 26/4/2019


2020-10-09 — Updated on 2022-07-18

How to Cite

Pluralism and absolutism in the critique: reflexive dialectics and democratic politics from horkheimer and adorno. (2022). Trans/Form/Ação, 43(Special Issue), 99-118.