Morality in memory techniques: Nietzsche and the comments on the mnemonics of Thomas Aquinas


  • Adilson Felício Feiler FAJE



Memory, Technique, Moral, Nietzsche, Thomas Aquinas


The investigation presents a hermeneutics of memory in Nietzsche's mature texts in the light of contributions of Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas. At the First Dissertation of Towards the Genealogy of Morals, Nietzsche introduces the influence that memory exerts on the capacity for reflection and action. The mnemotechnical procedure that the German philosopher analyzes is Thomas Aquinas' commentary on Aristotle's reminiscence. Aquinas identifies the ordering of what is wanted, the investment of the spirit, frequent meditation and the taking of the chain of pending issues as fundamental points for the activity of memory. And, at these points, Nietzsche identifies morality as a key component in the memorization process. It will analyze some approximations and distances between the Nietzschean and Thomist theses and to what extent morality operates in the sense of detecting memory activity.

Author Biography


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Recebido: 31/10/2022

Aceito: 23/02/2023





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How to Cite

Morality in memory techniques: Nietzsche and the comments on the mnemonics of Thomas Aquinas. (2023). Trans/Form/Ação, 46(3), 31-52.