Constellations, parataxes and essay

the arcanes of non-identity thought


  • Fabiano Leite França



Adorno, Benjamin, Constelação, Ensaio


The objective of this work is to reconstruct the concepts of constellation, parataxis and essay, from the perspective of Theodor Adorno, in order to approach them by affinity, but demonstrating the way that each one expresses within its specificities the Adorno's insistence in a model of thought in which the non-identical: 1) resists conceptual subsumption by arranging itself in a constellatory configuration; 2) it does not succumb to subordinate juxtapositions typical of merely communicative language; and, 3) finds its best philosophical expression in the essay form. In order to do so, we will take as a starting point the adornian reconstruction of the constellation category as a legacy of Walter Benjamin's thought, so that later we can present the expansion of this category in Adorno's thought, relating it both to the conception of parataxis as in the conception of the essay form, but aiming to understand these categories as way of thinking philosophically aiming to elucidate the place of the non-identical in the scope of dialectical thinking of Theodor Adorno.


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Recebido: 17/04/2022 Aceito: 17/06/2022


2022-09-14 — Updated on 2022-09-21



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How to Cite

Constellations, parataxes and essay: the arcanes of non-identity thought. (2022). Trans/Form/Ação, 45(4), 33-54.