The theory of substance in John Locke’s essay concerning human understanding


  • Carlota Salgadinho Ferreira PUC-Rio
  • Vinícius França Freitas Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais



History of Philosophy, Substance, Idea, John Locke


In this paper, we intend to offer an interpretation about the explanation of the (relative) idea of pure substance in general on John Locke’s philosophy, from Thomas Reid’s notion of ‘natural suggestion’. To achieve this aim, after contextualizing Locke’s notion of pure substance in general and distinguishing it from the idea of particular substance (section 1), we explicit that Locke’s words about the source of the idea of the former in the mind (either empirical or rational) are ambiguous and inconclusive (section 2). Then, we argue that the parallels between this idea and that of ‘relation’, as well as of ‘power’ do not assist in that answer, due to some problems we identify on them (section 3). Finally, we argue that the Reidian explanation for the source of the idea of ‘mind’, from the notion of ‘natural suggestion’ allows us to i) avoid those problems and ii) inasmuch as, according to this interpretation, the idea of pure substance in general would have an empirical source, Lockian empiricism would remain intact (section 4).

Author Biographies

  • Carlota Salgadinho Ferreira, PUC-Rio

    Doutora em Filosofia pela PUC-Rio. Atualmente, é Professora Agregada do Departamento de Filosofia na mesma universidade. ORCID:

  • Vinícius França Freitas, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

    Doutor em Filosofia pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais e pela Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne. Atualmente, é residente pós-doutoral (PNPD/CAPES) no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia da Universidade de Minas Gerais. ORCID:


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Recebido: 10/07/2022

Aceito: 09/10/2022





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How to Cite

The theory of substance in John Locke’s essay concerning human understanding. (2023). Trans/Form/Ação, 46(2), 35-60.