Creative Impulse and Vital Drama in Bergson


  • Rita Paiva Universidade Federal de São Paulo



Élan Vital, Matter, Obstacle, Effort, Creation


By referring to H. Bergson's theory about the evolutionary process, this article reflects on the antinomic character of the two fundamental tendencies of the vital movement, which are pure time and materiality. Starting from the importance of the image in this philosophy, it focuses on the Bergsonian ontology, questioning the notion of vital elan and how matter comes and the real-time is inscribed in it. By highlighting the ambiguity of the role played by materiality in the tensioning of vital forces, the discussion explains that the original impulse establishes its antipode. Thus, it reveals the dramatic character that permeates the movement intrinsic to the history of life, in which effort and struggle are correlated to the limits of the impulse that moves it – and inevitable questions for the creative act that defines it.

Author Biography

  • Rita Paiva, Universidade Federal de São Paulo

    Professora do Departamento de Filosofia da Universidade Federal de São Paulo. ORCID:


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Recebido: 22/02/2022

Aceito: 13/09/2022





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How to Cite

Creative Impulse and Vital Drama in Bergson. (2023). Trans/Form/Ação, 46(2), 253-274.