Cyberculture and education:

points and counterpoints between the vision of Pierre Lévy and David Lyon


  • Angela Luzia Miranda



Cyberculture, Education, Cyberdemocracy, Surveillance


This paper tries to confront Lévy’s visible optimism about cyberculture as a space for the production of collective intelligence and education for social democratization, with David Lyon’s critical stance on the culture of vigilance and its socio-political effects. Philosophical and qualitative, whose research source is essentially bibliographic, it is a comparative study, in which one seeks to establish the elementary differences between Lévy and Lyon’s posture on cyberculture. Consequently, and rrecognizing Lyon’s theses on the illusion of anonymity and the risks of the end of privacy in the age of cyberculture, the article concludes by pointing out some indications about the new educational practices in this context.

Author Biography

  • Angela Luzia Miranda

    Doutora em Filosofia e Professora Associada da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, RN – Brasil. Coordenadora do Grupo de Estudos Phrònesis: Estudos em Filosofia, Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade. E-mail: Em seu projeto inicial, esse estudo contou também com a colaboração de Diego Silveira Souza, doutorando em Neurociências da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte.


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Recebido: 28/12/2018 - Aceito: 05/8/2020


2021-04-22 — Updated on 2022-06-29



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How to Cite

Cyberculture and education: : points and counterpoints between the vision of Pierre Lévy and David Lyon. (2022). Trans/Form/Ação, 44(1), 45-68.