Ética dialética da Interpretação:

a hermenêutica romântica de Friedrich Schleiermacher


  • Mauricio Mancilla Muñoz Universidad Austral de Chile




Schleiermacher., Hermenêutica, Compreensão, Linguagem


The following article aims to expose the relevance of the hermeneutical thought by Friedrich Schleiermacher (1768-1834), considering the fertile germinal context of his work and his influential philosophical position within the framework of “early romanticism” (Frühromantik). Schleiermacher renounces an ahistorical transcendental foundation in favor of a situated understanding, which is configured through dialog. The central hypothesis of this article warns that the parallel and systematic development of the lessons on ethics, dialectics and hermeneutics in Schleiermacher is not a mere coincidence, much less an isolated symptom, but reveals a project of an organic nature. On the one hand, it is examined –in the light of their texts– the role of language as a historical and social variable for understanding and, on the other hand, some reflections on the new possibilities of his hermeneutical method and its consequences for contemporary philosophical reflection.

Author Biography

  • Mauricio Mancilla Muñoz, Universidad Austral de Chile

    Professor do Instituto de Filosofia da Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia – Chile. https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9423-7102. 


2022-07-07 — Updated on 2022-07-07



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How to Cite

Ética dialética da Interpretação: : a hermenêutica romântica de Friedrich Schleiermacher. (2022). Trans/Form/Ação, 45(3), 179-200. https://doi.org/10.1590/0101-3173.2022.v45n3.p179