Bergson and the event the case of democracy

El caso de la democracia


  • Miguel Ruiz Stull Universidad de Chile



H Bergson, Acontecimiento, Democracia


This article aims to address essential aspects of Henri Bergson's thought in the dimension of political practices. Specifically, this inquiry will focus on an analysis of the meaning of democracy in The Two Sources of Morality and Religion, in the brief, but decisive portions of the text where it is addressed. Under this objective, it will be possible to extend a substantive discussion, of an ontological nature, around the performance of a notion of Event that aims to serve as a basal reflection on the domain of a concept of the political attributable to this French philosopher

Author Biography

  • Miguel Ruiz Stull, Universidad de Chile

    Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Artes; Santiago – Chile


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Received: 24/3/2021 - Approved: 06/5/2021


2022-02-17 — Updated on 2022-06-22



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How to Cite

Bergson and the event the case of democracy: El caso de la democracia. (2022). Trans/Form/Ação, 45(01), 171-188.