Thinking with V. Flusser about technology


  • Helena Lebre Universidade de Évora



Technical Images, Object, Post-History, Technical Imagination


From the interior of our culture another one is manifesting itself, defined by another paradigm still diffuse, but whose corollary could be marked by the advent of photography, prototype of the technical image or technoimage. It is obligatory to review and resignify our whole way of thinking, the involvement of our consciousness and imagination, in its relationship with the new: technoscience. Our space-time that we inhabit is impregnated with technical (digital) instruments, producers of codes/signals that determine the categories of our sensory-cognitive structure and build a new anthropo-epistemic model: the prosthetic subject. We are on the threshold of a new era, determined by a constructum of imagetic scenes, the post-history (expression from Flusser): the access
to the world, its eventual manipulation and the human posture is linked to communicative codes, coming from the technique, imagetic and visual, to the detriment of writing, proper of a previous epoch (history). If we want to penetrate the Universe in which we move, it is indispensable to reflect on the way of being of the Technique, of the technical images and of the non-things (inobject) that flood and define it.

Author Biography

  • Helena Lebre, Universidade de Évora

    Pesquisadora no Phenomenology and Culture Group – Praxis: Centre of Philosophy, Politics and Culture/University of Évora, Évora – Portugal.


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Recebido: 08/01/2021 - Aceito: 08/3/2021


2021-05-17 — Updated on 2022-07-01

How to Cite

Thinking with V. Flusser about technology. (2022). Trans/Form/Ação, 44(Special issue 1), 117-140.