Aesthetic values, image collections, and structured procedures

widening and decolonizing the philosophical reflection on technology




Aesthetic Values, Image Collections, Structured Procedures, Democratization, Decolonization


Since the 1980s, technical-scientific knowledge, instrumental and cognitive values as well as ethical-political values are acknowledged as constitutive parts of technology and its development. However, a fourth category of elements that shapes design continues to be largely neglected or unknown: image collections, aesthetical values, and structured procedures. Disregarding such elements impose limits on the technical development. In this manuscript, I present this fourth category elements, its impact on the designing practice, and a way of pluralizing its contents. I also sketch two of the most successful approaches for democratizing the technical development. Then, I discuss: some limits and potentialities of democratizing technology; an actualization of part of Simondon's understanding of technical development; the theoretical and practical necessity of decolonizing (or continuing the decolonization of) the philosophy of technology.

Author Biography

  • Cristiano Cordeiro Cruz, Universidade de São Paulo (USP)

    Doutor em filosofia pela USP, onde também realizou estágio de pós-doutordo em filosofia da tecnologia. Pós-doutorando no ITA, onde pesquisa e atua nas áreas de formação em engenharia e de projetos tecnológicos engajados. Membro do GT de Filosofia da Tecnologia e da Técnica da ANPOF. Membro da Associação Filosófica Scientiae Studia. Membro da Rede de Engenharia Popular Oswaldo Sevá. Graduado e mestre em engenharia elétrica e de computação pela Unicamp. Bacharel em filosofia pela Faculdade Jesuíta de Filosofia e Teologia.


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Recebido: 08/01/2021 - Aceito: 08/3/2021


2021-05-17 — Updated on 2022-07-01

How to Cite

Aesthetic values, image collections, and structured procedures: widening and decolonizing the philosophical reflection on technology. (2022). Trans/Form/Ação, 44(Special issue 1), 207-230.