La decostruzione della visione etnocentrica

Il contributo dell’antropologia culturale e filosofica nel pensiero africano sulla religione





Deconstruction, African Philosophy, African Man, African Identity


Man has always reflected on himself and his identity and his reflection has been structured through multiple forms of expression. In fact, existential questions arise in man with his existence. Western philosophical thought has dominated the philosophical and anthropological field by imposing its own categories of thought as the only rational and scientific in the name of an alleged superiority linked to an idea of development based on a purely economic model. This article will attempt to deconstruct the scientific certainties of Western philosophical thought and critically analyze its primacy by highlighting how there are different forms and representations of human existence. African philosophical thought offers us a perspective of reading the being that contrasts the Western anthropological vision, but at the same time has its own dignity and its logical coherence based on its own anthropological assumptions. Born as resistance to the domination of Western philosophical and anthropological thought, African philosophy has developed and contaminated by the reflections that preceded it in fact there is no pure thought, but all human reflections are hybrid and arise from the encounter and confrontation with other philosophical positions. Perhaps the time has come to reformulate philosophical and anthropological thought from an intercultural point of view.



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Recebido: 15/8/2020 - Aceito: 22/12/2020


2022-01-06 — Updated on 2022-06-23

How to Cite

La decostruzione della visione etnocentrica: Il contributo dell’antropologia culturale e filosofica nel pensiero africano sulla religione. (2022). Trans/Form/Ação, 45(Special Issue 2), 51-66.