Religion, life and society

brief study from Bergson and Freud


  • Geovana da Paz Monteiro Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia



Bergson, Freud, Religion, Moral, Life, Society


The article aims to inquire to what extent religiosity, observed from its original context, would be away found by civilization to stifle primary human impulses tending to social and moral breakdown. In spite of this attempt at control, we question how much these so-called primitive impulses prevail in our biological, psychological and social constitution in order to justify aberrant behaviors so common in our time. We will start from the Henri Bergson’s ideas, presented in the second chapter of The two sources of moral and religion, entitled “The static religion” in comparison with Sigmund Freud’s arguments presented, above all, in The future of an illusion and Totem and taboo. Although the proximity with the social sciences, we will follow the hypothesis that Bergson’s book carries out a more fruitful dialogue with Freudian theory regarding the understanding of the socalled primitive religiosity in opposition, or not, to the civilized one. 

Author Biography

  • Geovana da Paz Monteiro, Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia

    Doutora em Filosofia. Professora Adjunta de Filosofia da Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia (UFRB), Amargosa, BA – Brasil.


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Recebido: 13/7/2020

Aceito: 11/9/2020


2021-08-20 — Updated on 2022-07-02



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How to Cite

Religion, life and society: brief study from Bergson and Freud. (2022). Trans/Form/Ação, 44(3), 151-176.