Guidelines for submission and evaluation


New Submission
1) Originality: TRANS/FORM/AÇÃO publishes original articles in the form of regular essays, translations, reviews and interviews. The writer who publishes material in this journal must wait at least four numbers (two years) before submitting another manuscript.

2) Theme: The themes dealt with must pertain to the field of philosophy or present a philosophical approach to the topic treated. They may derive from research work or be informative in nature. Translations must be of classic philosophical texts. Reviews will only be accepted for books that have been in publication for two years or less.

3) General information: Manuscripts submitted for publication must be sent online through the OJS platform, already in the form of “blind evaluation” (without data identifying the author), via the journal's homepage, in Word version (.doc, docx ) or Rich Text Format (.rtf). Papers written in Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, French and English are accepted. Papers already in the “blind evaluation” format will be directed to a proper evaluator, who will usually be the editor or eventually a member of the Editorial Board, in order to check the relevance of their possible publication in Trans/Form/Ação, as well as the adequacy of its format, to be later forwarded to the referees.

4) Authorship: The data and concepts issued in the works, as well as the accuracy of the bibliographic references, are the sole responsibility of the authors. The files must necessarily be sent through the journal's homepage. All identification and author data will be obtained via registration in the system, and not by text. Incorrected filling of forms, absence of data and/or any problems in your registration, may invalidate your submission. It is important to emphasize that the journal does not have a tradition of accepting works from students, generally denying texts sent by non-doctors, however, it reserves the right of exception if it deems it reasonable.

5) Normative criteria for submission:

When submitting the paper, consider the criteria for following the evaluation phase:

1. The authors have the PhD/Doctor title;
2. The manuscript does not contain references to the author(s);
3. The manuscript contains between five and eight thousand words (between 14 and 21 pages);

4. Carefully follow the Standard Template of the journal, according to NBR 6023 da ABNT and NBR 10520 da ABNT.

Papers that do not meet the required standards above will be rejected or returned to the authors indicating the adaptations to be made.

The journal does not request article processing charge (APC).


Journal's e-mail:
Editor's e-mail:
Address: A/C Marcos Antonio Alves, Departamento de Filosofia/Programa de Pós-graduação em Filosofia, Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências (UNESP) – Campus de Marília, Av. Hygino Muzzi Filho, 737 – Cidade Universitária, 17525-900 – Marília – SP.