An appraisal of the evolution of some of the main themes in sosa’s epistemology


  • Juan Comesaña University of Arizona



Ernest Sosa, Virtue Epistemology, Safety, Closure, Reflection


In this article, I propose to trace the evolution of three central concepts in Sosa’s epistemology: the distinction between animal and reflective knowledge, closure principles, and the safety condition. These three planks played a central role in the early presentations of Sosa’s epistemology, but have recently undergone interesting changes. 


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Biografia do Autor

  • Juan Comesaña, University of Arizona

    University of Arizona, Tucson – United States of America


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Received: 15/9/2020 - Approved: 05/3/2021


02-06-2021 — Atualizado em 30-06-2022



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An appraisal of the evolution of some of the main themes in sosa’s epistemology. (2022). Trans/Form/Ação, 44(Special Issue 2), 29-42.