Web Semântica no repositório BRAPCI

uma revisão da literatura





Semantic Web, Literature review, Information and Technology, Web


In 2001 Tim Berners-Lee revealed to the world what he wanted for the future of Web - man and machine working together to develop complex tasks, and that the Web could leverage the way human knowledge is acquired. Since then researchers from different fields of knowledge have engaged in scientific and empirical research to make this dream come true. In this context, the research problem of this article is established: What is the current situation of Semantic Web research in Brazil in Information Science? Who are the researchers of this theme in our country? What are the institutions that support these studies? The present study aimed at listing the most productive authors, institutions that support their research and the specific issues of their investigations. We conducted a literature review in Base de Dados Referencial de Artigos de Periódicos em Ciência da Informação (BRAPCI). We retrieved 41 articles, excluded five for not belonging to Brazilian authors and Brazilian institutions. From the analysis of this corpus, we realized the need to include additional keywords to better understanding of specific studies encompassed by the theme. Thus, we included the keywords: SPARQL, SKOS, RDF and ontology. It was concluded that the studies on the Semantic Web under the aegis of Information Science mostly perform theoretical and philosophical studies, while the computer science professionals seek practical applications of the topic. It was also concluded that a study including other databases could reveal other authors and institutions relevant to the subject of study.


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Author Biography

  • Nátalia Nakano

    O Laboratório Editorial foi instituído com o objetivo de criar condições e oportunidades para a difusão de pesquisas e tornar públicos os resultados dos trabalhos do corpo docente da FFC. Constitui-se num órgão adjunto à Diretoria da FFC e vinculado à SAEPE, com o apoio da Seção Gráfica, da Diretoria, da Biblioteca, e das Seções de Finanças, Compras e Técnica Acadêmica. A função do Laboratório Editorial é a de assessorar, planejar, realizar e distribuir livros, periódicos e outras publicações elaboradas na FFC.

    E-mail: labeditorial@marilia.unesp.br 









How to Cite

“Web Semântica No repositório BRAPCI: Uma revisão Da Literatura”. Brazilian Journal of Information Science: Research Trends, vol. 9, no. 2, Feb. 2016, https://doi.org/10.36311/1981-1640.2015.v9n2.05.p26.

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