
fake news exporter, automation of death, and white supremacy


  • Gabriel Rocha Gaspar



Israel, genocide, white supremacy


After all, more important than the truth is the dehumanization of the enemy which, once operated on a large scale, enables the apathy of the dominant society in the face of the suffering of the dominated. Perhaps this is the greatest indication of the operation's success in substituting reason for emotion. After all, dehumanization is the dematerialization of the other, who stops being a being of flesh and blood and becomes something imaginary, the repository of any evil. It is as necessary to the social acceptance of war as the devil is to Christianity.

Author Biography

  • Gabriel Rocha Gaspar

    Journalist, master in Literature from Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3. For five years, he was presenter, editor and reporter at RFI, the main French public radio. He also worked as a correspondent in Paris for several media outlets in Brazil. He was a finalist for the Jabuti award for co-organizing the book "De Bala em Prosa: Vozes do genocídio preto no Brasil". He is currently a foreign policy columnist at Mídia Ninja, an essayist and produces literary reviews for Folha de S. Paulo.



How to Cite

Israel: fake news exporter, automation of death, and white supremacy. (2024). Revista Fim Do Mundo, 5(11), 344-361.