The formation of capitalist space




Capital, historic formation, space fetishism


The article reviews the various ways of occupying space and its formation, its construction before reaching the capitalist space and its specific construction, its phenomenology through its own and very diverse economic structures. Thus, in addition to verifying a historical path, the article also verifies this one in which we live, its perception, its management of affects: this is how, for example, the concept of space fetishism emerges as a powerful way to manage perceptions and their conceptualizations about society and occupied space. The article demonstrates space as a productive force and a need for its anthropogenesis: a process that does not mean “humanization” of space, but construction through production relations and class structures. It also shows how the structures of capital produce it by constituting a peculiar productive force of slower development; however, with industrial developments, space is finally subsumed by capital.

Author Biographies

  • Marcelo Micke, CEETEPS (CPS) - Fatec

    Professor e pesquisador em regime integral (RJI) do CPS (CEETEPS) do Estado de São Paulo na Faculdade de Tecnologia (Fatec/Campus Mococa) e psicanalista (em formação). O campo intelectual de meus estudos configura-se especialmente nas interfaces entre filosofia da tecnologia, sociedade e formas atuais de sujeição. Isso envolve e articula de maneira muito especial a filosofia, a crítica social e a psicanálise com suas potencialidades de intervenção nesta crítica não sendo apenas, mas também, um campo clínico. Dentro desta perspectiva dá-se, então, estudos relacionados com as TICs e suas modalidades, suas configurações sobre os indivíduos dentro de uma sociedade de controle e de modulação das subjetividades, afetando-as tanto em seu fazer psíquico como também em seus atos educacionais fortemente imbricados. Isto é altamente relevante quando se fala em mundo digital e educação, sobretudo a depender qual o conceito de educação está em evidência: educação como formação e engajamento de sujeitos em complexidades da realidade histórica e social a lhe permear a existência.
    Formado em Ciências Econômicas (Unesp/FCLAr), mestrado em Filosofia Política (Unicamp/IFCH), mestrado em Sociologia (Unesp/FCLAr), doutorado em Planejamento de Sistemas Energéticos (Unicamp/FEM) e pós-doutorado em Pesquisas Energéticas (UFABC/CECS).

  • Sinclair Mallet Guy Guerra

    Achieved the title of Full Professor at Unicamp in 2004, after a PhD in Energy Economics at Université Paris III (1986), preceded by a Master's in Business Economics at FGV (1981), with a degree in Economics at the University of Marília (1966 ). Also noteworthy are post-doctoral studies carried out at the Université Laval, in Québec/CA (1992/93) and at the CRBC in Paris/FR (2001). Head of Cabinet between 03/2007 and 08/2008 at UFABC, where he was admitted through a competition for titles, documents and tests in August 2006, having been approved in a competition for full professor in December 2006 at the same entity. He is a PQ researcher /CNPq 2. Ad-hoc referee for CNPq and FAPESP. He performed academic activities at DE / FEM / UNICAMP and at PGE / IEE / USP. Between 2010 and 2012 he was PVNS with UNIR / RO. He has experience in Energy Economics, with an emphasis on Planning and Operation of Energy Systems and Fossil Fuel Economics, working in several of its areas.



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