Guest Artist - Maíra Wick

Putrid waters of the river's mouth


  • Maíra Arantes Leite Wick



Photograph of the Rio Doce's mouth at the time of the Mariana disaster - Regência [ES]

Author Biography

  • Maíra Arantes Leite Wick

    Photographer graduated from the Pan American School of Art and Design, she is a biologist at UFSCAR and a master in education at UNESP. She exposes his photographs in different spaces, always looking for issues that portray themes related to the environment. These photos were part of the exhibition called “from Mariana-MG to Regência-ES: Rio Doce in January 2016” and are the result of the records made during a trip that traveled through the villages affected by the tailings of the Samarco "Fundão" Dam (Vale- BHP Billiton) in the 2015 disaster.



How to Cite

Guest Artist - Maíra Wick: Putrid waters of the river’s mouth. (2020). Revista Fim Do Mundo, 1(02), 7.