Pre-coup Bolivia

notes from a field study




revolution, transition, development, Latin America


This paper is the preliminary result of an on-site survey carried out in Bolivia in July 2019 in order to understand the characteristics of the process of change in the country that started in 2006. The investigation was proposed to verify this process in the economic, social and political axes. The presented scenario encompasses a trajectory of economic stability, a social context of reduction of inequalities and a political scenario marked by the pursuit of the intercultural democracy, currently contrasted by a destabilizing polarization.

Author Biographies

  • Fabio Sousa Mendonça de Castro, UFABC | IBEC

    PhD candidate in World Political Economy at Universidade Federal do ABC, holds a master's degree in Economics from Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (2015), a degree in Economic Sciences from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (2012) and a degree in Gastronomy from Grupo Educacional HOTEC ( 2006). Conducts research internship abroad at the Institute of History at the University of Leiden (Netherlands). He is currently a researcher at IBEC, Assistant Professor I at Centro Universitário FMU and member of the fiscal council of Instituto Maíra. He has experience in the area of Economics, with an emphasis on Economic History and Political Economy, acting mainly on the following themes: underdevelopment, self-management, Latin America and transition.

  • Sinclair Mallet Guy Guerra, UFABC

    Doctor in Energy Economics from Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris III. Professor of the Graduate Program in World Political Economy at UFABC.

  • Paulo Alves de Lima Filho, IBEC

    Economist from the University of Friendship of Peoples “Patrice Lumumba” - Moscow - Russia, PhD in Political Science from PUC-SP. General Coordinator of IBEC.



How to Cite

Pre-coup Bolivia: notes from a field study. (2020). Revista Fim Do Mundo, 1(01), 104-133.