About the Journal

The Fim do Mundo Journal was born following what Marx taught more than 150 years ago: “philosophers just interpreted the world in different ways; what matters is to transform it”. Thus, the concern of this journal is not only to theoretically debate the fundamental issues of our time but above all to serve as a tool for those who intend to intervene directly in reality with the ultimate objective of human emancipation.

The Fim do Mundo Journal is an initiative of the Brazilian Institute of Contemporary Studies-IBEC, which brings together militant intellectuals from the most diverse areas of knowledge who for more than 3 decades have been thinking critically and facing the central themes in search of overcoming capital.

The Fim do Mundo Journal reflects, therefore, the theoretical insights of these intellectuals, mainly as a result of their dissertations, theses, and the course “Social Movements and Contemporary Crises”, a space created by IBEC and the Organizations & Democracy Research Group - GPOD, in partnership with the São Paulo State University - UNESP, aiming at the formation of the working class.

Focus and Scope

An interdisciplinary scientific journal dedicated to critical thinking about the capitalist system in dialogue with Marx and Marxism, covering contemporary themes and theoretical issues of modernity. Open to Brazilian and Latin American themes, on the profound world transformations promoted by the emergence of new financial capital, especially political, economic, ecological, scientific-technological, and geopolitical ones. Attentive to all forms of human intellectual production.

Frequency and Digital Preservation

Publications will be made every six months and stored on the LOCKSS platform.

Evaluation Criteria

Manuscripts will be evaluated according to scientific soundness, critical capacity, originality, timeliness, timeliness of information, and suitability for the journal's publication standards (according to guidelines for authors in the submissions tab).

Peer Review Process

All works sent to the Fim do Mundo Journal will be preliminarily submitted to the Editorial Committee of the journal, which will judge the adequacy of the scope, and compliance with the submission guidelines and verify if the authors acted ethically in research, to avoid plagiarism [process performed through the Turnitin software]. Subsequently, the manuscripts will be sent to 2 reviewers, from the editorial board or specialists with relevant production in the area, who will carry out a blind evaluation. In case of divergence in the evaluations, the manuscript can be forwarded to a third reviewer.

Free access policy

Publications will have open access to works, as we believe that free and universal access to knowledge is fundamental for the advancement of science committed to social struggles, the socialization of knowledge, and the complete decommodification of society.

In the same perspective, we do not charge fees for paper submissions.