Contributions of Lukács and Gramsci to the dialectic method as an educational process




dialectic, education, ideology


This essay seeks to bring together the ideas of Gramsci and Lukacs, in their perspective of the orthodoxy of the dialectical method, each in its own way (historicity and totality), and which is a unique method for theory and an educational practice in the broadest sense of the term , That is, of human formation. And also the ideology that also was a point of convergence between those of the craftsmen of the Marxist thought. For to the two, and this is clear in Ontology and in the Cadernos, ideology is the vehicle of which men are used to give answers to the conflicts of the experience. Therefore, education must be an ideological intervention to demoralize common-sense beliefs and transmute them into an emancipated consciousness.

Author Biography

  • Diego Fonseca Dantas, UFF/ NuFIPE

    Doutor em Educação pela UFF e Mestre em Ciência Política pela UFF. Graduado em Administração pela Universidade Cândido Mendes. Pesquisador do Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Filosofia, Política e Educação - NuFIPE e do Instituto Norberto Bobbio, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.






How to Cite

Contributions of Lukács and Gramsci to the dialectic method as an educational process. (2024). Revista Práxis E Hegemonia Popular, 9(14), 99-109.