Digital hermeneutics as hermeneutics of the self


  • Alberto Romele Universität Tübingen



Digital Hermeneutics, Self, Emagination, Habitus, Narrative Identity


In this article, the author deals with the status of the self and personal identity in the digital milieu. In the first section, he presents his general approach to digital media and technologies, which he has called “digital hermeneutics.” He distinguishes between three perspectives in digital hermeneutics, namely the deconstructive, epistemological, and ontological approaches. In the second part, he focuses on digital hermeneutics as hermeneutics of the self. He compares Paul Ricoeur’s narrative identity to Pierre Bourdieu’s habitus. His first thesis is that the habitus can be seen as a concept of subjectivation that neglects an important part of the subject. Narrative identity offers, in this sense, a remedy to such negligence. His second thesis is that today’s digital media and technologies are closer to the Bourdieusian habitus than to the Ricoeurian narrative identity. In other words, digital machines and technologies are “habitus machines” both in their structure and in their effects.

Author Biography

  • Alberto Romele, Universität Tübingen

    Pesquisador no Internationales Zentrum für Ethik den Wissenschaften (IZEW) – Universität Tübingen, Tübingen – Alemanha.


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Recebido: 08/01/2021 - Aceito: 12/3/2021


2021-05-17 — Updated on 2022-07-01

How to Cite

Digital hermeneutics as hermeneutics of the self. (2022). Trans/Form/Ação, 44(Special issue 1), 185-206.