Vulnerability and Care


  • Patricio Mena Malet Universidad de la Frontera



Vulnerability, Care, Restlessness, Pasibility, Existence


The following text aims to think the question of human vulnerability and the care. Thus, two different approaches can be taken. The first, specifically, is the one proposed by Carol Gilligan and the ethics theorists of Care, who considers vulnerability in its relational and social character. The second is to face vulnerability as a way of being typical of the human being, so the clarifications sought in this regard reveal that the demand requires an ontological understanding that is first in relation to the social one. This also make it possible to complement the ethics of care by conducting the questioning of care also at an ontological level, rather than a social one. Thus, the ontological understanding of the requirement in turn demanded an interrogation of care as a human attention mode. 


Author Biography

  • Patricio Mena Malet, Universidad de la Frontera

    Profesor de Filosofía en Universidad de la Frontera

    Presidente de ASIER (Asociación iberoamericana de estudios ricoeurianos). Miembro ordinario de CLAFEN (Círculo latinoamericano de fenomenología) y correspondiente del Fonds Ricoeur para Chile.


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Recebido: 29/3/2020 - Aceito: 26/5/2020


2021-06-25 — Updated on 2022-06-30



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