Syneidesis, beyond the fragmentation of the spirit: an introduction to the theory of concrete consciousness and of thinking in images

uma introdução à teoria do abrangente e do pensar em imagens


  • Manuel Moreira da Silva



Syneidesis, Conscience, Thinking in images, Representation


This article discusses the emergence of syneidesis (as active concrete consciousness) and thinking in images, as opposed to contemporary discussions about consciousness and thought as abstract representations. The working hypothesis assumed is that syneidesis – as sociocultural or ethical-political consciousness, which medieval thinkers called conscientia consequens (retrospective consciousness) – is historically and ontologically prior to the individual theoretical consciousness in its manifold forms and to the individual practical consciousness derived from it. The latter two are forms of what may be called conscientia antecedens (antecedent consciousness), and are typical of the thought of representation. From this perspective, the article first presents the general lines of syneidesis and then discusses thinking in images in its own right.

Author Biography

  • Manuel Moreira da Silva

    Professor Adjunto do Departamento de Filosofia da Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste do Paraná, (Unicentro), Guarapuava, PR – Brasil.



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Recebido: 15/11/2018 Aceito: 15/11/2018


2018-12-28 — Updated on 2023-02-09



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How to Cite

Syneidesis, beyond the fragmentation of the spirit: an introduction to the theory of concrete consciousness and of thinking in images: uma introdução à teoria do abrangente e do pensar em imagens. (2023). Trans/Form/Ação, 41(Special Issue), 13-30.