Machinic time: contribution to a Rhythmology of Capital


  • Guilherme Foscolo UFSB



Rhythm, Modernity, Aesthetics, Stimmung, Philosophy of History


This paper explores the rhythm of modernity as an outcome of the sociotechnical dynamics of Capital. It contends that the ongoing transformation of the means of production and the proliferation of new technologies give rise to sensations of acceleration and stagnation – phenomena that can be traced to a shared temporal regime here termed “machinic”. The sociotechnical aspect of Capitalism is acknowledged to have a specific influence on shaping our bodies, sensations, and perception. Furthermore, it proposes the utilization of Stimmungen analysis as a theoretical tool that could facilitate the detection of aesthetic responses useful for characterizing different sociotechnical/temporality regimes.

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Recebido: - Aprovado: 03/06/2024 – Publicado: 25/06/2024



How to Cite

Machinic time: contribution to a Rhythmology of Capital. (2024). Trans/Form/Ação, 47, e02400214. publicar.p%p