Lose your mother: a colonial category?


  • Elzahrã Mohamed Radwan Omar Osman INEP




Coloniality, Motherhood, Opacity, Feminism, Writing


This article recovers some of the reflections made by different feminist authors and discourses on the materiality-maternity relationship in the history of philosophy, but precisely from the colonial-modern enterprise. In this sense, the text uses Saidiya Hartman's work Lose your Mother as a metaphorical thread about the destruction of ties to the land, of kinship, of memory, to conclude on the irrecoverable loss of any and all mothers - also in Lacanian psychoanalytic terms - in order to realize the recovery of the mother as mothering the opacity through the written production of women. In the first part of the text, we present the maternal metaphor in the philosophical debate; in the second part of the text, we present references to the coloniality of the maternal figure from the investigation of the work of enslaved black women in the constitution of modern societies, via decolonial and black feminisms, and also, in the next section through the Lacanian debate on the inscription of the letter on the body of their daughters. In the last section, we finalize the text with some considerations in order to imagine how a work of writing would be like when is carried out from the recovery of a body forcluded by coloniality.

Author Biography

  • Elzahrã Mohamed Radwan Omar Osman, INEP

    Pesquisadora-Tecnologista do Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira, Brasília/DF – Brasil. Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9419-1877. 


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Recebido: 15/10/2023 – Aprovado: 16/05/2024 – Publicado: 10/07/2024





Vol. 47, n. 2 - Feminine perspectives in philosophical thought (2024)

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