Nietzsche’s physiology of art: between modern décadence and the art of transfiguration


  • Clademir Araldi UFPel


décadence, Physiology of art, Transfiguration, Will to power


In this paper I investigate how Nietzsche’s approaches to the physiology of art become operative in the last year of his philosophical production to consummate the critique of modern décadence. Through intoxication, transfiguration, and increased power, the physiology of art could reveal new ways to express the values of ascendant life as opposed to decadential movements. I question, finally, whether the will to power is a satisfactory criterion for the artistic affirmation and transfiguration of existence.

Author Biography

  • Clademir Araldi, UFPel

    Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel), Pelotas, RS – Brasil. ORCID:


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Recebido: 20/07/2023 - Aceito: 26/08/2023 - Publicado: 13/02/2024



How to Cite

Nietzsche’s physiology of art: between modern décadence and the art of transfiguration. (2024). Trans/Form/Ação, 47(1), e0240075.